With the holidays now just a faint memory, we are all eager to start our new lifestyles!
Tom and I sat down with a little Gin Tonic to get you in on the news.
Were do we find inspiration? Well the fashion gurus are currently working on bringing us back the 70`s but all new and fresh. Get ready to get down and boogie!
What’s new in twenty fifteen?
What is not new is that we can help you personalise any look you like.
You like some Hollywood stars hair?
We will make it PERFECTLY tailored to fit YOU.
This year is all about texture. Sexy free personal hair. Bed head, not too done.
Win some time and use redken dry shampoo instead if doing it all over again. That will give you more volume, more oomph and that sexy, effortless look.
Length wise SHORT is a sexy textured bob. Go geometrical but not too perfect.
Redken Loose Ending and Wax Blast are two good alternatives to mess up you hair a little bit with.
MEDIUM is full of volume. That over the shoulder, almost blunt cut rocks the fashion scene right now.
Moveability and Quick tease are real favourites to shake up that LOB, they give real texture, for more bang, use both!
LONG but with hidden layers to add volume, texture and interest, is the way to go.
Fashion Waves is great for that salt water effect and Powder grip is very useful to separate the ends of your long hair.
70’s fringe is the must have, cut softly over the eyebrow fading into the side that says Abbalicious.
Mix that with a feminine Mick Jagger and you are rocking you hair `15 style, effortless and naturally sexy.
Ahora que las navidades son solamente un vago recuerdo, todos estamos ansiosos por comenzar nuestros nuevos estilos de vida!
Tom y yo nos hemos sentado junto a un Gin Tonic para conseguir traerte todo lo nuevo.
Este año todo gira en torno a la textura. Un pelo libre, atractivo y con personalidad. Pelo como recién levantado, no muy trabajado.
Puedes ganar algo de tiempo utilizando el champú en seco de Redken si no quieres volver a hacer todo tu pelo de nuevo. Eso le dará mas volumen, mas atractivo, y ese look sexy casi sin esfuerzo.
Redken Loose Ending y Wax Blast son dos buenas alternativas para dar a tu cabello un aspecto mas desenfadado.
Moveability, y el Quick Tease son mis dos productos favoritos para remover el corte LOB (un corte Bob, largo), si quieres dar mas textura y un resultado explosivo, utiliza los dos!
Otro de los nuevos estilos de la moda es el efecto “recién salido del mar”, y para eso el Power Grip es muy útil para conseguir el efecto de textura en los extremos de tu cabello largo.